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ProSource 17001 Tile/Glass Cutter CUTTER GLASS STEEL            CUTTER GLASS 6 WHEEL
The Vulcan tile and glass cutter can be used to cut tile and glass. The handle is made of zinc alloy and the cutting wheel is made of tungsten carbide. Hyde Richard Glass Cutter, Cutting Edge Material: Steel, Comfort-Grip Handle Hyde Richard Glass Cutter, Cutting Edge Material: Steel, Comfort-Grip Handle
Plaskolite 1999999A Plastic Cutting Tool CTTR GLS PROF CARB WHL        POINT GLAZIER NO17 20G STEEL
For cutting rigid plastics. The easiest and sharpest way to cut Plaskolite panes. Place a straight edge along the line to be cut. Make several cuts along the edge until the score line can be cracked with light pressure of the thumbs at the cut. Hyde Glass Cutter, Tungsten Carbide, Comfort-Grip Handle No special tools are needed. Simply push the points in with a putty knife, chisel or screwdriver. Points have super sharp edges for easy sash penetration. Use push points for wood sash glazing, greenhouses, picture frames and mirrors.